Q) What is directional material?
A) In the past, most solid surface designs were solid colors or had random particulates spread throughout them.
This made seams virtually invisible.
As technology has improved in the industry, many manufactures are making directional material, or material with veining, stripes, patterns, etc. There is a “direction” to the material.
With directional material the seams will still be as good as with non-directional material, but the pattern in the material may draw your eye to where the seam is located.
Many times, to get good looking seams with directional designs, your project will require additional material so we have more room to adjust the layout to get the best looking pattern.
Here is a short video of one of our manufacture reps explaining just what directional material is:
Below is an example of how Solid Surface Design Studio lays out directional material to help get the pattern to be as aesthetically pleasing as possible.

Here is a video explaining the material layout for directional material and why we may at times recommend purchasing an extra sheet of material to get the best possible layout.